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Pro Sports Wrap - Sports Personality of the Day:Tony Romo

Two Days, Two Tragedies

November 21st 2011 19:33
On Sunday, Arkansas redshirt freshman tight end Garrett Uekman was pronounced dead at Washington Regional Medical Center in Fayatteville, Arkansas. Although you may not know him, I can assure you that his teammates, friends, family, and coaches knew and loved the 19 year old TE.

�Garrett�s loss is a terrible shock for the University of Arkansas and the Razorback program,� Arkansas athletic director Jeff Long said in a statement. �Our sincere condolences go out to his family and to all of those who knew him. He will be missed by many friends, teammates and others throughout campus. The well-being of our student-athletes is at the very core of our mission and when a tragedy like this happens it is a tremendous loss to the entire campus community. We will work with various campus services to provide support for the Uekman family, our student-athletes, coaches and staff during this difficult time.�

Uekman was found unresponsive in his dorm at around 11:15 on Sunday while most of us were busy talking about the upcoming NFL games. Arkansas will face off against LSU, in a game that will have huge BCS ramifications. However, this is more than just about a game; because no matter how important of a game, it's still a game. Even though I am an LSU fan, I'll still be happy if Arkansas takes down LSU. This game means a lot for the players, but it's still nothing more than that; a game. Garrett's death is a truly sad one, and the cause of death is unknown. Please keep the Uekman family in your mind.

If that wasn't bad enough, two young men were robbed of their lives recently. One of them died today, and I'm sure everybody knows about this one. Seattle Mariners outfielder Greg Halman was stabbed to death in Rotterdam, and his brother was arrested a suspect.

�Greg was a part of our organization since he was 16 and we saw him grow into a passionate young man and talented baseball player,� said the team in a statement. �He had an infectious smile that would greet you in the clubhouse, and he was a tremendous teammate. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Greg�s family.�

My thoughts and prayers also go out to his family, and this is yet another tragic even that transpired. I hope whoever did this is brought to justice, but more importantly, I hope that his family is able to get through this. Halman is a Dutch player who died at the age of 24, and he was born in Haarlem (not Harlem). Halman has been regarded as one of the better young talents in baseball, but this is all about the loss of life. These tragic events remind us that no matter how great sports are, they're just a bunch of games that sometimes make us lose sight of what is truly important. It's not that sports are stupid- they're fantastic and important when one thinks on a deeper level- it's just that people, life, friends, family, and emotions are more meaningful.
Keep his family in your thoughts
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4 Comments. [ Add A Comment ]

Comment by nbageek

November 21st 2011 23:29
Sad stories indeed. Hard to say what happened to Uekman. Sad about Halman as it seemed he had tons of potential.

Comment by TimmyH6

November 22nd 2011 18:04

Comment by Winless In Seattle

December 3rd 2011 16:11
Halman was very raw at the plate - but his potential was amazing. Great kid. We were at a game late last year and I watched him in warmups - after he was done he literally spent 30 minutes signing autographs until probably 5 minutes before the first pitch.

Class act. RIP.

Comment by Joe Soriano

December 3rd 2011 16:13
Thanks for dropping by Winless, and he really was a class act. 30 minutes? After batting practice? Wow. Not many athletes would even give out one autograph.

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