Rich to Broke
September 13th 2012 17:20
4 Years $100 million, when you see this you automatically think of a contract for some sort of professional athlete. That is a lot of money. Do athletes deserve to make so much? That can be, has been, and will continue to be debated. I'm not going to do that though. The only reason that bothers me is because I love sports and am jealous. Who wouldn't want to play a game they love and make enough to live many lifetimes?
What pisses me off are the athletes who end up filing for bankruptcy. I mean how do you spend/lose all that money? They do it in a short amount of time; it's not like they are on their deathbed spending the last dollar. Gambling and child support are a few of the excuses players have had, but that don't matter; it all falls under the umbrella of stupidity.
"Money changes you." Well since I don't make millions and probably never will, I can say it wouldn't change me. Yea I'd buy some nice things, like a big house and a nice car. I'd go on some nice vacations too, but I don't think I could ever spend $100 million plus. If I won say $5 million, that would be plenty for the rest of my life. After a house and car what big purchases are there? Nothing really unless you get those in multiple which no one needs. I mentioned vacations; $50 grand would make a amazing vacation for 5 people.
I can see spending some of the money stupidly but all of it? I guess a lot of the ones that do go bankrupt probably didn't go to college or at least didn't finish. The amount of money made by athletes is ridiculous and plenty to have an amazing lifestyle and support your friends and family. It's pretty simple; just don't be an idiot and continue to be a freak athlete for my entertainment.
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