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Pro Sports Wrap - by Sam Ruesler

Pro Sports Wrap - June 2010

Win An Apple I-Touch!

June 4th 2010 03:33
Ok, this may be a shameless way to promote a Podcast but I feel it needs to be done!

We have already recorded many trial shows which have been listened to by independent producers from around the country. The show has already drawn interest from mass media companies looking for a �fresh breath� version of sports talk radio.

The Jimmy Failla Experience is going live on 6/9/10 on

What's a better way to build a loyal audience than to give stuff away... right?

The first give-a-way will be an Apple I-Touch.

There are two ways to enter:

1) Wait until we announce the contest on the air on during the month of June.


2) Get a leg up on the competition and follow me on Twitter! Your name will then be automatically entered into the pool for the I-Touch along with any subsequent give-a-ways.


K-Rod or K-Put?

June 3rd 2010 22:33
Francisco Rodriguez showed us once again what happens to a hard throwing closer when they lay off the Sosa Snacks. With one strike left on David �The Nerd� Eckstein, K-Rod let up a seeing eye single to score the tying run and set the stage for a walk-off grand slam by Adrian Gonzalez. So, once again the Mets fail to win a road series this season. What�s more, the Mets have not won a road series in over a year. But that�s not the real problem. K-Rod continues his assault on taking over first place in the unpopularity contest currently held by Oliver Perez. While Perez still holds a big lead, K-Rod is quickly narrowing the gap.

Does anyone remember what a relief/closer used to be? Back when baseball was played by men who didn�t complain about when and under what circumstances they were used, the title of relief/closer was played by a former starter who could still throw strikes; just not for nine innings. Guys like Goose Gossage, Rollie Fingers, and Dennis Eckersley mowed down hitters from the seventh inning on. It wasn�t because they threw the ball 100 mph, it was because they still had the ability to establish their fastball early in the count and then follow it up by throwing breaking pitches for strikes.
Lee Smith and Randy Myers changed the landscape of relief pitching. Now there was a specialized spot on every MLB roster for a hard throwing �closer�. A guy who would come into the game for the sole purpose of striking out three batters in a row; all while trying to break the speed of sound with their fastballs (as long as it was a �save situation�). Their mystical powers would somehow vanish however if their team was ahead by more than three runs. And, on the off chance they were used in the eighth inning, you could rest assured that their agent would receive a call the following morning. These hard throwers paved the way for closers like; Billy Wagner, Armando Benitez, and Eric Gagne� remember them?
From 2005-2008, K-Rod was one of the games most prolific closers. With a fastball that ranged from 95-97 mph and some decent breaking pitches, he was able to keep hitters off balance and make them swing at slower stuff in the dirt. Now that his fastball is sitting in the low 90�s and his breaking stuff consists of a mediocre splitter and a run-of-the-mill change up, even National League hitters are teeing up on him.
In addition to his declining abilities, K-Rod has been consistently complaining about his in-game usage. This came to a head during a (swept under the rug) pushing contest with Mets bullpen personnel in mid-May.
It is no debate that across town, Mariano Rivera has been the most consistent closer over the last 10 years. Every batter knows what they are going to get from him (cutter in) yet, they still can�t hit it.
K-Rod makes this Mets fan long for the days of John Franco and his tomato patch. Maybe he wasn�t the most animated and highest paid closer in history, but at least you knew you could count on him give the team and the fans 100% Between his on the field performance and his off the field charity work, Franco exemplified what a professional baseball player should be. Where as K-Rod, with his man-tantrums and huge contract to go along with his sporadic effectiveness, exemplifies everything that is wrong in professional baseball today.

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