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Pro Sports Wrap - by Sam Ruesler

Pro Sports Wrap - May 2010

Mutiny in the Citi

May 31st 2010 20:50
It was only a matter of time before the players themselves got fed up with the antics of Oliver Perez. The New York Post is reporting that teammates of Perez are calling for is outright release.
Manager Jerry Manuel was questioned before last night�s game and asked what kind of situation would have to arise in order to put Ollie in a game. He alluded to the fact that it would have to be an extra innings game; perhaps in a setup role for a position player.

So the Mets will play with essentially a 24 man roster until one of two things happen:

1) Ollie accepts a demotion to AAA in order to help salvage a floundering career.
2) The Wilpons, along with upper management, screw their heads on straight and swallow 20million dollars by giving Perez his outright release.

The first option would seem like the most acceptable; except to Ollie and his agent Scott Boras. They feel a demotion would hurt his career. Apparently neither one of them has taken a hard look at his stats and figured out that might be whats hurting his career. Perez is 0-3 with a 6.25 ERA in seven starts this year. In his three appearances since being banished to the bullpen, Ollie is posting an impressive ERA in the low double digits.
The second option scares the pants off of the Wilpons and the rest of the Mets organization. If Ollie is released than he will be owed 20 million American dollars. This would be a terrible onus to carry since the Wilpons are trying very hard not to show the fans that they were financially impacted by the Bernie Madoff scandal. However, from a baseball perspective, it would be hard to let a young, once promising, left hander go; for fear that he may flourish with another team in a different city. Either way, Perez is not going to flourish in Flushing.

The New York Mets are starting to turn their season around. The last thing they need at this point in time is a player who the others are starting to resent for his selfishness. For the fans, Perez has been the topic of great debate and dismay since 2008. If the New York Mets are trying to get back in the good graces of their fans, as they have sincerely attempted to do, then the first step should be to let go of Perez� two years ago.

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Oh Danica!

May 31st 2010 01:21
The Indy 500 came and went today. With all the fan fair that surrounds it, the IRL series is yet to gain even a fraction of the popularity that the NASCAR series enjoys. In only one instance (2005), since 2001, has the Indy 500 gained a higher viewer rating than the Coca-Cola 600; which is run later that same evening.
Enter Danica Patrick.
Danica was supposed to be the International Racing League�s savior, although series officials would never admit this. She was supposed to drum up a new kind of energized fan base. However, to this point the only thing she has drummed up are hits to
After six seasons of competition, Danica has one win and three other top three finishes to her credit. Baseball has a term for those pitchers who have one win in six seasons� unemployed.
Danica has relied on gender to gain support, not statistics. I understand that every athlete will have their set of fans who support them through out their career, but most of them do not need to remove most of their clothing during the Super Bowl in order to gain popularity.
Danica finished today�s Indy 500 in 5th place thanks to some help on the last lap. Tony Kanaan ran out of gas and Mike Conway was involved in one of the worst IRL wrecks I have ever seen. These, and only these, series of events let Danica retain a respectable finish.
As a fan of NASCAR, I can only hope that Danica stays in the IRL fulltime. There is enough shameless promotion in NASCAR these days, and we have our own group of overrated-underachievers (i.e. Dale Jr.).
I hope everybody is having a great weekend. I didn�t mean to stir the pot on this Memorial Day weekend, I just had to get that off my chest. Hey, I wonder if that�s what Danica told GoDaddy about her shirt! Stick to driving.

Follow me on Twitter for more candid insights!

Strange But True...

May 28th 2010 14:39
By now everybody has heard of the Philadelphia Phillies Being accused by the Colorado Rockies of stealing signs by way of binoculars. Apparently, Phillies bullpen coach Mick Billmeyer was peering out from the bullpen and calling in the upcoming pitches to the dugout where the Spying Hawaiian, Shane Victorino, was gladly accepting the courtesy call. After further review of the facts, it appears that the Phillies were actually peering a bit further west of home plate at Coors Field; they were actually stealing tips from the Seattle Mariners instructional hitting videos. This proof came to light as the Phillies were shutout in three straight games at Citi Field by the New York Mets.

NBA Commissioner David Stern, who recently fined Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban $100k for allegedly �tampering� with the free agency of Lebron James, has broadened his utilitarian command by fining the Geico Gecko as well. Sources close to Stern say he was �fed up� with the Gecko�s antics. In addition, these sources have confirmed Stern�s belief that the �NBA will not stand for such vagrant uses of commercials in attempt to lure American drivers out of their current auto insurance contracts in order to have them become re-insured by some over paid, animated lizard.� This insider was not sure if the �lizard� that is mentioned in the statement was intended to imply the green one from Geico or Mark Cuban. Either way, Stern�s dictatorship may be in jeopardy due to the fact that Cheech Marin is currently out of work and may prove to be a more relaxed tyrant than Stern.

<editor�s note: After releasing this story a person close to Stern wanted to comment about the apparent misunderstanding. �David did not mean to offend any democratic countries by exercising any form of unruly control over the car insurance industry. This really just comes back to the fact that he just feels Lebron James should stay in Cleveland�>

After seeing that the University of Michigan has opted to try and resolve its own in-house problems regarding the excess practices endured by its players, other companies are trying to follow suit by implementing similar resolutions amongst their employees. For instance, Wal-Mart has recently fielded complaints from female employees stating that they were not being paid as much as male employees. Wal-Mart used their new resolution team, the Real Employees Targeting Angry Rights Democrats, or R.E.T.A.R.D., to solve the problem by firing all female employees.

Follow me on Twitter for more candid insights!

*the preceding stories were fabricated to the extent that I don�t want to get sued! However, there is a bit of truth to all of them! I hope everybody has a great Memorial Day Weekend and remember, if you are going to play with firecrackers� point them at the person no one likes! Be safe.

New Date For Podcast

May 27th 2010 21:56
The new and improved date for the live airing of our podcast will be Monday June 7th @ 9pm! This looks pretty set in stone. But then again, so did Vick's attendance as the Key Note speaker at the ASPCA National Convention three years ago. Stay Tuned...

Follow me...please!

Welcome to East Rutherford, 2014

May 26th 2010 20:57
It�s final; the Super Bowl will grace the greater New York area with its presence in 2014. That�s right, three and a half years from now; we can expect to be super saturated with everything from NYC 2014 Super Bowl attire to self loathing media personnel; all longing to escape the cold weather. Instead, they will be thrust into the arctic tundra that is East Rutherford, New Jersey.
If you have listened to talk-radio in the NYC area, or tuned in to ESPN lately, you have no doubt found self-proclaimed experts debating the pros and cons of a �cold weather� Super Bowl.
The fact of the matter is, all of those brain trusts who believe a �cold weather� Super Bowl is a bad idea, fall just short of saying what they really mean; that what they really want is a tropical or desert heat vacation in February. Well, keep faith brethren

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Who The Heck...?

May 26th 2010 04:00
I just wanted to give a quick shout out to everybody. I�ve been posting on New York Sports Source for the past few weeks and I�ve now moved over to
For those of you who followed me over�thanks for sticking with me!
For those of you who are wondering �who the heck is this clown?��I don�t blame you

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It's Your Call!

May 25th 2010 18:53
It was a pretty light day in the sports world yesterday. So, I'm going to leave today's topic up to you guys! As a matter of fact, I could use a good topic for tonight's podcast. That being said, if you submit a topic and we get to it on the show, I'll post a link for the show so you can hear us debate your topic. Actually, either way I'll get the link out there! We don't go live until next Tuesday but some of our recordings are actually pretty funny and you guys might enjoy listening to them.

Topics to avoid if posssible, if not then hey whatever

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C'Mon Eddy!

May 25th 2010 06:05
C'mon Eddy, how far beyond your means do you want to live? For a player making a astonishing amount of money, how do you default on a loan? It is simply unacceptable for someone making over 10 million a year to default on anything.

I understand the need to have what you want, when you want it! I know that feeling all too well. But taking out a $570,000 personal loan, at a nearly 85 percent annual interest rate - is just plain stupid! You don't even need an education to understand how stupid that is

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Charles Wang recently cancelled a team trip that would have taken the New York Islanders to China for nine whole days. In addition to consuming some awesome moo shoo, the team was going to host several other non-communist events.
Apparently the logistics that came with getting NHLPA approval were just too much to bear for Wang. One can only imagine the rigors the players union must put you through to complete this kind of trip if Wang was to give up so easily. I mean after all, he has spent the better part of eight years trying to revitalize a downtrodden section of Nassau County to no avail. One can also only assume that the NHLPA threw up hurdles greater than those imposed by Kate Murray and the Town of Hempstead legislative body; but that seems unlikely.
The players union just wants to make sure that there are adequate accommodations for the players and all venues/transportation are safe and secure. In other words, they don�t want the team to run into any unsuspected surprises; like the signing of an injured goalie to a 15 year contract

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Unexpected, not really.

May 24th 2010 14:11
Western conference basketball is usually as predictable as a romantic comedy. I personally thought the Lakers would sweep the Suns, especially after games 1 &2 2. But the one thing I love about this game is that, its never over - until its over! Although not many teams in the entire league can compete against the Lakers. The Suns have proven to their fans, they will not be eclipsed.

I was MVP twice people!

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MLB Tid Bits... 5/23/10

May 24th 2010 03:47
Roy Halladay proves to be human as he gives up 6 ERs on 8 hits to the BoSox as Philadelphia loses 8-3.

Josh Willingham finishes off the Orioles at Nationals Park in walk-off fashion in the 10th inning. Nats wins 4-3

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Just Another Game...Right?

May 23rd 2010 21:02
So we enter this tonight�s game on the edge of our seats right? Aren�t we riveted by all of the excitement so far in this latest version of the Subway Series? What else could we possibly wish for?
Ok, maybe the yearly Subway Series has run its course. Since 1997 we have seen the Mets and Yankees face each 75 times; along with five post season games in 2000. Besides a World Championship for the Yankees in 2000, what does either team have to show for it?
These six games have become a financial oasis for the business oriented Wilpons and a cause for �special editions� on SNY, YES, ESPN, and WFAN. But other than the hype that surrounds these mid-season games, they are just games in May. Games that, in my opinion, would be better served facing divisional opponents like the Tampa Bay Rays and the Philadelphia Phillies

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There are hundreds of people I have respected, because of their athletic prowess. I have cheered for many athletes who have come back from injury plagued predicaments. I have even prematurely celebrated the domination of an athlete, before I even saw them perform on the field. Brian Westbrook is one dude I constantly feel the need to cheer for, regardless of what the haters may be sayin'! He is 5'10, weighing only 203 lbs, B-Dub is ridiculously fast and as strong as teen with a steroid addiction. He is the real deal. Being drafted in the 3rd round round out of Villanova, he proved that he would be more of a success than so called 'analysts' said he would. Sure I have made my predictions which have turned out - VERY WRONG! None have been as wrong as those that were made about B-Dub in 2002.

That's right people! I Kill it!

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Late Night Updates... NY style!

May 23rd 2010 04:13
Mets take the second game of the subway series 5-3 behind a strong pitching performance by Mike Pelfrey and a 4/4 night for Jason Bay. Bay seems poised to break out of his season long funk, even though he currently leads the Mets in batting average. In addition, David Wright knocks in 2 runs in consecutive at bats. Tomorrow the Queens segment of the battle for the Big Apple wraps up at Citi Field. C.C. Sabathia squares off against Johan Santana. This should be interesting.

My sources tell me that LeBron James has been seen scouting real estate in Chicago! While I�m unsure whether or not King James could handle the limelight (not to mention scrutiny) of New York, I�m not convinced that he should be playing his best years in the shadow of Michael Jordan either

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Orlando never had a chance.

May 23rd 2010 03:57
Two words - Front-court! With out Dwight Howard, the Magic have no front-court presence. KG and KP didn't even need to play today, because 'Big Baby' was playing more like 'Big Daddy'! 17 points off the bench, which was more than any player on wither team. He used the paint to create a masterpiece.

Pressures of Superstardom

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Eagles biggest mistake?

May 23rd 2010 03:19
Trading Donovan McNabb in the same conference may have been the biggest mistake ever made (since Lindsay Lohan). Donovan in my opinion was the best player to put on a Eagle uniform. He played as hard as a human could possibly play, and made his teammates better each and very game. He was never given a WR core he could really work with, but he made the Eagles contenders every year (Hank 'Kendra' Baskett?). Sure coaching played a big part in the success of the Eagles over the year. But we all know coaching doesn't win games; hard-work, dynamic play, team-work and skill has more to do with winning, than strategy. Donovan made sure everybody played better. Even Terrell Owens had one of his most productive season playing under the wing of the former Eagle QB (not pun intended).

Washington, here I come!

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Things To Watch, 5/22/10

May 22nd 2010 20:35

- Phil Hughes and Mike Pelfrey square off against each other for the fist time since they played in Double A. The Yankees won game one of the subway series at Citi Field last night by a score of 2-0. First pitch tonight on FOX 7:10pm.

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Quick and Painless!

May 22nd 2010 04:02
Ok, I�m going to make this quick.

John Maine gets seen (involuntarily) by a Mets team doctor before the start of the Subway Series and gets put on the 15 day disabled list with an injury described as �shoulder weakness

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Where would you go?

May 22nd 2010 02:15
King James the model?

Of course every single team would benefit from having Lebron in their squad. Hell, Lebron could even help the struggling Boston Red Sox!!! The guy is undeniably the most amazing athlete in the world right now (my apologies to Kobe, Lionel Messi and Peyton Manning). He is not just a benefit to you on the hardwood, but his presence in your city will increase you states revenue instantly! SO we know at this stage, everybody would be considering paying billions to get Lebron to their city. Investing in Lebron, is like investing in technology or petroleum - GUARNTEED MONEY! But if you were the next generations No. 23 - Where would you want to be

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Here Comes The Subway!!

May 21st 2010 18:43
Here Comes The Subway!

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The Maine Problem...

May 21st 2010 10:57
Despite what the Mets coaching staff would have you believe, John Maine was hardly the bad guy last night. Pitching coach Dan Warthen and manager Jerry Manuel yanked Maine after throwing only five pitches against the Washington Nationals.
After Maine walked the leadoff hitter in the bottom of the first, he threw one more pitch (for a ball) before getting a visit from not only Warthen but trainer Ray Ramirez and Manuel as well. Manuel almost immediately signaled to the bullpen for lefty Raul Valdes, leaving Maine shaking his head in disbelief.
After the game, Warthen gave the media as unprofessional of an excuse as I have ever heard regarding this rash move. He called Maine a �habitual liar� as it relates to his chronic injury. He went on to explain that Maine was not throwing well in the bullpen prior to the game but Maine had convinced him that he felt fine and he was ready to pitch

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Some 5/20/10 Highlights

May 21st 2010 03:36
- Atlanta showed tremendous heart coming from 8 runs down to beat the Reds at Turner field by a score of 10-9.

- John Maine is pulled from the Mets-Nationals game after throwing only 5 pitches. Maine says he's unsure why he was pulled and he is not injured. This is worth keeping an eye on. Mets win 10-7

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Bad Behavior, No Excuse

May 20th 2010 20:28
I just wanted to comment real quickly on the behavior in sports today. Not just in NY but around the country.
Yesterday Wilson Chandler of the NY Knicks was arrested for possession of marijuana in Queens while traveling with a friend. This kind of behavior is unacceptable. I know it pales in comparison to the alleged actions of Big Ben and LT but it is still illegal and worth noting.
I believe these players would act a whole lot differently off of the field (or court) is the ramifications for their actions were more severe

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NY Mets: Rebuild What?

May 20th 2010 19:12
Manager Jerry Manuel has been on the hot seat since last year, and the team that plays for him has continued to flounder. Even with the addition of Jason Bay to the line up, by way of an off-season signing, the Mets continue to struggle at the plate.
Coming into this season there was much speculation on the viability of a starting rotation that has produced in the past, but has underperformed due to injuries in the previous two seasons. However, with the exception of Oliver Perez, the starting staff has been relatively effective through the first quarter of the 2010 season.
It has been the offense that has failed to get the �big hit� in almost every opportunity. The Mets are batting a paltry .169 with runners in scoring position (RISP). Lets take a look at the line up that has been the most productive this season

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NY Mets To Sign Cuban Defector

May 19th 2010 22:20
It has been no secret that the pitching staff of the New York Mets has been porous at times this year. Now with Jon Niese heading for the DL, and Million-Dollar Ollie collecting paychecks from the bullpen, the Mets are in dire need of a reliable pitcher to fill the hole in their depleted rotation.
The latest craze in baseball has been the rush to sign Cuban pitchers who have defected from their homeland. While recent reports have surfaced indicating that many MLB teams will be interested in Yuniesky Maya and Reiner Roibal, the New York Mets have turned their attention to a 17 year old named Elian Gonzalez.
It is uncertain whether or not Gonzalez can actually pitch effectively however he does fit two of the New York Mets most pressing criteria. 1) He is Hispanic. 2) he will no doubt command a large salary

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Welcome to NY Lebron!

May 19th 2010 18:58
Lebron To Play In NY!

It is official. Even with 43 days to go until the official start of free agency in the basketball world, Lebron has fielded an offer to play his next 10 years in the Big Apple. While it may come as a shock to some in both Cleveland and New York, many insiders have said that this move has been in the works for some time. One source has come forward to say, "New York's lack of offense and inability to overwhelm inferior teams" was one of the driving forces behind this offer. Although unofficial at the time of publication, the offer is believed to be somewhere in the realm of 250-350 million American dollars per annum

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Who The Heck Am I?

May 19th 2010 18:19
Hey all, Just thought I'd give you a quick glimpse into who I am and what to expect when you read my wildly popular blogs!

I work as a freelance writer in addition to co-hosting a Podcast dedicated to taking a lighter view of New York sports. If you are a fan of NY sports then you will understand that you must have a sense of humor if you are to watch some of these teams

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